By now we are well aware of the importance of social media in advancing a brand, cause, or social image. And we know that keeping up to date with social media content is just as important.

It’s not always easy to come up with an original post idea and a quirky caption when you’re put on the spot and need to come up with content, especially when you’ve got a million other things to do. Getting ahead on your social content is easier said than done, but here are our five steps to make it smooth.

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Here are five steps that will keep you on top of your social content

01 Decide on your platforms

What platforms will you use? And how many? Which platforms are your audience on? Getting the scope right is crucial to making sure you have an achievable and worthwhile social presence.

02 Set goals / Aims

What do you want to get out of your social channels? Gaining followers? Awareness of a cause? Sales? This is your way of determining whether or not your efforts are being rewarded. Keep these in mind when you review your performance to see if you need to change your approach.

03 Create a schedule / timeline

How often will you post? It’s up to you – just make sure it’s consistent and manageable.. You don’t need to post 5 times a day and overload your followers with content. Anywhere from once a week to once a day can work, depending on your aims.

04 Determine what type of content you’ll be posting / Aims

Find content relevant to your goals and aims, and create an archive. What products or aspects of your brand need highlighting? How do you want people to view your brand? All of this information will inform what you choose to post.

05 Start Posting

There are tools available that automatically post your content for you, which adds to the value of planning ahead. Stick to your schedule and you should have no trouble keeping on top of your content.

Once you’re up and running, review your efforts regularly and remember, trial and error is key! You may find you need to change your posting frequency or the type of content being posted to get better results. Find what works and don’t be afraid to mix it up!

Happy Posting!