Four Reasons You Should Be Using YouTube For Your Brand

Every business with a multi-faceted, 360-degree approach to marketing is looking for the next platform they can use to help build their brand. Sometimes the answer is right under your nose. With that in mind, the most obvious place to take your brand online might come as a bit of a surprise! Most of us are intimately familiar with YouTube15.4 million Australians used it in February 2018. 

Since the first video was uploaded in April 2005, the platform has consistently grown in popularity year on year. But despite this popularity and YouTube’s longevity, it’s still a sleeping giant in terms of usage by brands.

Here are four reasons why you should definitely be considering the platform for your brand!

01 Clear Air

Aside from the raw number of YouTube users, one of the most compelling reasons to use the platform is that your competitors probably aren’t. The savviest and biggest international brands are on YouTube already, but the vast majority of small to medium-sized businesses aren’t. This means you’re more likely to be able to find clear air to start a conversation with your consumer on YouTube than on other channels! 

The Sensis Social Media Report for 2016 found that in Australia 41% of large businesses were using YouTube, but only 16% of medium businesses and 3% of small businesses. Less saturation of content makes it easier to stand out from the crowd!

02 The YouTube Audience

To put it simply, pretty much everyone under the age of 55 is using YouTube regularly. Nielsen’s digital content ratings found that 93% of Australians aged 18 – 39 are spending an average of 24h 40m on YouTube per month! That’s an entire day per person spent binge watching YouTube videos.

The platform was only slightly less popular amongst the older 25 – 54 age bracket. 91% were watching an average of 20h 16m of YouTube video per month. There’s very little gender split on the platform, either. 48% of the audience is male, and 52% is female.

03 Accessible Content

YouTube content is accessible and easy to find. Not only can you share videos natively on different social channels, you can also embed your YouTube videos into long-form content.

In addition, YouTube is the second most frequently used search engine behind Google. If you also take the time to optimise your content for SEO, your page and brand will be even more visible. 

YouTube content also has huge potential to go viral. If you can create something memorable, the platform will help you make the most of your awesome content.

04 Engagement

Video content offers so many opportunities to engage your viewers by using a combination of voices, expressions, body language and music to create something engrossing.

There’s also a really diverse array of ways you can use your video content. You can create explainers, demos or how-to videos, all of which were amongst the most popular types of video in 2017, according to HubSpot.

The higher average engagement levels of video content mean the production time is likely to reap rewards!

Liking the sound of getting your brand onto YouTube? Contact us today to chat about the possibilities!